Reiki Practitioner in Santa Rosa

Reiki Practitioner in Santa Rosa

My name is Rhonda Beal and I have lived in Sonoma County most of my life. 

I have always felt the need and desire to help others, but I was never sure how or in what capacity that would be. I was always the one people would come to and talk about issues or get advice and still do to this day. It took me many years to discover what I wanted to do and how I could impact the lives of so many. Now I am here and ready to help others through the practice of Reiki Energy Healing as my modality.

I got started with Reiki Energy Healing as a way to help heal myself from various traumas in my life and it helped me to get myself off of medications after facing some of my own life's challenges. 

In 2017 we lost our home and everything along with a large portion of our community to the Tubs Wildfire.  

In 2018 we still had several wildfires taking out several more of our communities and slowing down the process for healing and rebuilding our home and lives.  

In 2019, I lost my grandmother, whom I was very close to and 9 months later in 2020 I lost my mother to multiple bouts of cancer.  

In 2020 I had a reconstructive ear surgery, 2021 I had breast cancer in which I am happy to say I am done with treatments and so far, doing well. 

My aunt, ( my mother's youngest sister) passed away 1 month after my breast cancer surgery.  

I had a full hysterectomy In 2022 and 7 months later, my 15 yr old Pomeranian, Ginger, passed from Pneumonia.   

As you can see I have had my share of traumas and this is just to list a few, but it was during my recovery from breast cancer that I discovered Reiki Energy Healing. I had heard about Reiki and other modalities for healing so I started by learning about meditation. I found that when I added Reiki to my meditations, that was the turning point to some big changes in my life. As I started learning more about Reiki and that it can help on so many levels, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I decided to study it more in depth. I become certified in Reiki 1 & 2 at the end of 2021 and became a Reiki Master in Feb 2022. I felt that if it could help me through my traumas, then I knew it could help others as well. So I started my own Reiki practice.

I am here to help other with their health and well being, who are open to Reiki and willing to receive the energy.  

Thank you for reading about me. I look forward to working with you.